
Good News: Launching Register Journal New Focus and Scope & National Seminar and CALL for Papers


 Launching Register Journal New Focus and Scope & National Seminar and CALL for Papers


English Education Department UIN Salatiga and Register Journal in collaboration with IARELTII
Proudly present
Launching Register Journal New Focus and Scope:
REGISTER JOURNAL is the Journal of English for Islamic Educational Institutions and Muslim Communities.
National Seminar and CALL for Papers
Topic: ELT in Indonesian Islamic Institutions
Speaker: Prof Dr Dedi Irwansyah, M.Hum, IAIN Metro Lampung
Tuesday 18 February 2025 at 09.00-11.30
Via zoom meeting max 100 participants
Free Registration


Posted: 2025-02-10 More...

For Your Info: REGISTER JOURNAL Migration from OJS 2 to OJS 3

Dear Respected Readers, Authors, Editors, and Reviewers,

Starting from the Edition of Volume 16 Number 1, June 2023 onwards, the REGISTER JOURNAL has moved its web page from OJS 2 Register Journal ( to the new one OJS 3 Register Journal (

Posted: 2022-10-15 More...



REGISTER JOURNAL 58 secondary documents found in Scopus Database


EFL classes must go online! Teaching activities and challenges during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia

Atmojo, A. E. P., Nugroho, A.Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 49–76 (2020)

116 Scopus Citedness
Lecturers’ attitudes towards online teaching in the learning process

Mardiana, H.Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 77–98 (2020)

8 Scopus Citedness
Persuasive power concerning COVID-19 employed by Premier Imran Khan: A socio-political discourse analysis

Iqbal, Z., Aslam, M. Z., Aslam, T., ...Kashif, M., Nasir, H. Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 208–230 (2020)

8 Scopus Citedness

A study of language learning strategy use among Indonesian EFL university students

Rianto, A. Register Journal, 13(2), pp. 231–256  (2020)

6 Scopus Citedness
Toward Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL): Reaping Mobile Phone Benefits in Classroom Activities

Yudhiantara, R. A., Nasir, I. A. Register Journal, 10(1), pp. 12–28 (2017)

5 Scopus Citedness
Investigating Reading Challenges Faced by EFL Learners at Elementary Level

Khan, R. M. I., Shahbaz, M., Kumar, T., Khan, I. Register Journal, 13(2), pp. 277–292 (2020)

5 Scopus Citedness
Examining gender representation in an Indonesian EFL textbook

Agni, Z. A., Setyaningsih, E., Sarosa, T.Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 183–207  (2020)

4  Scopus Citedness

Exploring the potential of online English websites in teaching English to non-linguistic major students: BreakingNewsEnglish as example 

Abramova, V. S., Boulahnane, S.  Register Journal, 12(1), pp. 1–12 (2019)

4 Scopus Citedness
Utilization of Edmodo as an online tool in EFL writing class to increase students' writing ability

Miftah, M. Z., Raya, I. P. Register Journal, 11(1), pp. 37–58 (2018)

4 Scopus Citedness
Problem-Based Learning to Improve Students' Grammar Competence

Zuhriyah, M. Register Journal, 10(1), pp. 48–61  (2017)4 Scopus Citedness


Posted: 2022-08-19 More...

For Your Info: Publication Flow of REGISTER JOURNAL

Posted: 2022-04-27 More...

For Your Info: Academic Writing: Constructing New Insights, State of the Art, & Novelty.


Academic Writing: Constructing New Insights, State of the Art, & Novelty.

Dear Readers,

At this moment, I'd like to present a precious material presented by the host, IAIN Kendari, on Constructing New Insights, State of the Art, and Novelty to your Research. This interesting topic delivered by Dr. Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf, S.Pd, M.Ling., Editor in Chief of the Scopus indexed SiELE Journal:
VIRAL Eps. II | Academic Writing: Constructing New Insights, State of The Art, & Novelty. - YouTube
Hopefully, this video will be helpful, and Good luck for all of You.


Posted: 2021-09-09 More...

Good News: Hardcopy Order



For Indonesian readers who want to order a hard copy of REGISTER JOURNAL, the fee is as follows:

 1. Subscriptions (per year): IDR. 300,000,- (1 copy /edition, two issues within one volume/year). The record of all issues is avalable HERE.

 2. Purchase Unit: IDR. 150,000,- (per copy).

Deliver your request for REGISTER JOURNAL hardcopy by filling this request form

Contact Person: (Faizal)

Posted: 2021-08-27 More...

Good News: REGISTER JOURNAL IS IN Q4 ON Journal citation report 2021 of Clarivate Web of Science






 Dear All Respected Reviewers, Editors, Authors, and Readers of REGISTER JOURNAL. I’d like to proudly announce that REGISTER JOURNAL has been categorized as Q4 level on Journal Citation Reports of Clarivate Web of Science. Let’s click this link for more info

Posted: 2021-07-01 More...




ESCI Web of Science, SINTA 2 Indexed Journal
APC: 105 USD
•SCOPE: Applied Linguistics & English Teaching
English Education Department, (IAIN) Salatiga,
1979-8903 (Print) and 2503-040X : (Online)

CALL FOR PAPERS VOL 14 NO. 2 December 2021
•Submission Deadline: September 15, 2021
•Author Guidelines: Submission> Author Guidelines
•Article template:
WA Contact: (Faizal): 085642019501



Posted: 2021-05-23 More...




     1. Show the apparent novelty, research gap, and theoretical contribution of the manuscript

    2. The focus and scope of REGISTER JOURNAL: applied linguistics and English teaching, but the implementation of linguistics in English teaching will be most favored.

    3. On the part of INTRODUCTION to CONCLUSION should be 4.000 – 5.250 words or at least 17 until  22 pages. See REGISTER JOURNAL Author Guidelines:

    4. The similarity score by using Turnitin or iThenticate should be less than 20 %.

    5. The minimum requirement of references is between 30-60 references and 40-80 % taken from reputable International journals.

    6. Arrange your manuscript following REGISTER JOURNAL author guidelines: and article template in ms words B5 Format:

These are the details of REGISTER JOURNAL author guidelines:

    On the part of ABSTRACT: The abstract should briefly describe your entire paper. It comprises the purposes of the research, method, and study findings from the researcher's perspective. It is advised that researchers refrain from citing the works of others when writing abstracts. Instead, the section gives a researcher 15 seconds to provide a narrative for readers to have a mental picture of the entire research s/he has conducted.

    On the part of INTRODUCTION:  State the objectives of your work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Explicitly state the gap in the literature, which signifies the significance of your research

    On the part of RESEARCH METHOD: This section explains the rationale for the application of specific approaches, methods, procedures, or techniques used to identify, select, and analyze information applied to understand the research problem/project, thereby allowing the readers to evaluate your project’s/study's overall validity and reliability critically.

    On the part of RESULT & DISCUSSION: The discussion is written to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in light of what was already known about the issues being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights about the problem after you have considered the findings. It should connect to the introduction by way of the research questions or hypotheses you posed and the literature you reviewed, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the introduction; this section should always explain how your study has moved the reader's understanding of the research problem forward from where you left them at the end of the introduction. The research findings in the form of research data are further discussed or critically interpreted with a particular relevant theoretical approach. Data can also be supported with the presentation of tables, images, etc. Captions for the table is written above it with sequenced numbering so that it can be easily referred to, though not put under the pointing sentence/ paragraph

    On the part of CONCLUSION: The conclusion is intended to answer the research problems or purposes. It helps the readers understand why your research should matter to them after reading the paper. It is not just a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research.



    Editor in Chief

    Faizal Risdianto,S.S,M.Hum


Posted: 2021-05-23 More...

Recruitment of Reviewers in the scope of SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics)


 Recruitment of Reviewers in the scope of  SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics)

Recently lots of manuscript were sent to REGISTER JOURNAL whereas the journal has only few experts in the scope of SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics). Therefore, The editorial board of  ESCI Web of Science, DOAJ, Sinta 2 indexed REGISTER JOURNAL welcomes you to join us to be part of Honorable Reviewers.

Status: Part time

Working language: English

Working style: Internet-based

Payment: Voluntary job, no payment

Description :

Participation in the peer-review process is absolutely essential to the success and reputation of the journal. Reviewers along with the editors determine which work is of quality and significance. Due to extensive readership, the research and scholarship presented will ultimately have an impact on literacy in classrooms, nationally and internationally. Reviewer's name will be listed on the journal's webpage.


a). possess a master or doctoral degree in the specific subject related closely to the journal;

b). hold a job at a university or academic organization, in a teaching or research position;

c). be fluent in academic and professional English;

d). have a strong interest in scholarly journal;

e). work quickly and accurately to tight deadlines.

How to apply :

please Complete this application form:


Posted: 2020-12-30 More...

The Diversity of REGISTER JOURNAL's Authors




The Diversity of Authors published their works in REGISTER JOURNAL are from Four continents: Asia, Africa, Europe and America.Check this link URL to know the details:

Posted: 2020-10-30 More...

15 scopus and 48 wos citedness of REGISTER JOURNAL

Posted: 2020-10-16 More...


Posted: 2020-05-30 More...

Recruitment of Reviewers in the scope of Translation studies

Recently lots of manuscript were sent to REGISTER JOURNAL whereas my journal has only few experts in the scope of Translation Studies. Therefore, The editorial board of An ESCI Web of Science, ACI, DOAJ, Sinta 2 indexed REGISTER JOURNAL welcomes you to join us to be part of Honorable Reviewers.

Status: Part time
Working language: English
Working style: Internet-based
Payment: Voluntary job, no payment

Description :

Participation in the peer-review process is absolutely essential to the success and reputation of the journal. Reviewers along with the editors determine which work is of quality and significance. Due to extensive readership, the research and scholarship presented will ultimately have an impact on literacy in classrooms, nationally and internationally. Reviewer's name will be listed on the journal's webpage.


a). possess a master or doctoral degree in the specific subject related closely to the journal;
b). hold a job at a university or academic organization, in a teaching or research position;
c). be fluent in academic and professional English;
d). have a strong interest in scholarly journal;
e). work quickly and accurately to tight deadlines.

How to apply :
please Complete this application form
Posted: 2020-05-26 More...


Top 10 Institutions as the reflection of great diversity of journal article contributors of Register Journal IAIN Salatiga.
Posted: 2020-02-16 More...

Enactment of Article Publishing Cost (APC)


Dear Authors,
This is to inform you that starting from the publication schedule of Vol. 12 No. 2, 2019 (December), REGISTER JOURNAL will apply Article Publishing Cost (APC) of IDR 1, 000,000 for local author and only $ 100 for foreign authors (This is much cheaper than other ESCI WoS indexed journal which charges 300 USD for every accepted paper).
The APC will be applied to manuscripts that have been accepted by the Editorial Team for publication in the journal.
Please do not hesitate to contact our administrator for further information about this.
Thank you.
Editor in Chief
SCOPUS ID:57213518975,
Google Scholar H-index: 5,
Web of Science ResearcherID: S-2364-2017,
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1767-6915,
IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia
Posted: 2019-08-26 More...

A new Milestone for REGISTER JOURNAL


The board of editors thank to all Honorable Reviewers, Authors, Readers, IAIN Salatiga and the Indonesian government who have contributed a lot to the achievement of the inclusion of REGISTER JOURNAL to Clarivate Analytics/ESCI / Web of Science and ASEAN Citation Index /ACI).
Posted: 2019-07-14 More...

Open Recruitment to be Honorable Editor and Reviewer


REGISTER JOURNAL editorial board welcomes you to join us to be Editor and Reviewer.
Status: Part time
Working language: English
Working style: Internet-based
Payment: Voluntary job, No payment

  Why review?

Peer review – and reviewers – are at the heart of the academic publishing process.
There are great benefits to becoming a reviewer. You can:
1. Establish your expertise in the field and expand your knowledge
2. Improve your reputation and increase your exposure to key figures in the field
3. Stay up to date with the latest literature and have advanced access to research results
4. Develop critical thinking skills essential to research
5. Advance in your career – peer review is an essential role for researchers

Participation in the peer-review process is absolutely essential to the success and reputation of the journal
. Reviewers along with the editors determine which work is of quality and significance. Due to extensive readership, the research and scholarship presented will ultimately have an impact on literacy in classrooms, nationally and internationally.
Reviewer's name will be listed on the journal's webpage.

Posted: 2019-02-01 More...

For Register journal Authors


Dear author/s

It is a pleasure of receiving your paper submission but there are few things that I should deliver to you:
1. your paper is not in line with REGISTER JOURNAL guidelines pertaining to article template/lay out and you may study it by reading our guidelines at :
And please download and read these files : or (this link URL contains: Author guidelines, Article template, Statement of Originality, APA citation style guideline and Author biodata since REGISTER JOURNAL applies Double Blind Review).
Posted: 2018-05-11 More...
1 - 19 of 19 Items