Endang Dwi Hastuti


The focus of this research is to identify the subtitling strategies applied in the subtitling of Romeo and Juliet movie. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research along with purposive sampling techniques. The objects of the research are English sentences spoken by the actors and actress in Romeo and Juliet movie as a source text (ST) and its Indonesian subtitling as a target text (TT).

The research findings show that the subtitling strategies applied in Romeo and Juliet movie are expansion, paraphrase, transfer, imitation, condensation, decimation, deletion, taming, and resignation. Among those strategies; condensation is the most dominant one due to  the limited  space and  subtitling time appearance because in the subtitling process, there should be a thrifty translation whereas, the accuracy of Romeo and Juliet subtitling depends on the context covers the text, both situation context and cultural context. There are three components covers the situation context, namely field, mode/channel, and tenor/relation.


The key words: subtitling strategy, subtitling accuracy, thrifty translation  


Subtitling Strategy, Subtitling Accuracy, Thrifty Translation

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